Only In Minnesota is Top the Tater a Valentine’s Day Gift
Only in this great state would Top the Tater be considered a sign of eternal love.
I was doing a Sam's Club run this week and as I was browsing the cooler section, I saw some limited edition bonbons for Valentine's Day in an endcap. And what really sold them was the stacks of bulk-sized Top the Tater below them.
Nothing says "I love you" like giving your Minnesota sweetheart chive and onion flavored sour cream dip. The only thing this bonbon/dip gift combo is missing is a big bag of Old Dutch wavy potato chips. If my Valentine showed up with this combo, I would consider myself struck by Cupid's arrow.
Minnesota's love for Top the Tater truly knows no bounds. This stuff is a delicacy that can be found at every get-together, backyard BBQ, potluck, and camping cooler. Is a house really a home if there isn't a bright green tub of it in the fridge? I think not.
The moral of the story, don't overthink your Valentine's Day gift-giving this year. Top the Tater says "I love you" just as well as any stuffed bear and chocolates ever could. Just don't forget to also grab your love a bag of chips for dipping.