Mysterious Yellow Signs in New Bedford Lead to Wild Goose Chase
I can't think of a worse pet peeve than getting hyped up for nothing.
On Monday night around 8 p.m., I took the Penniman Street exit off I-195 East to head home as I do daily. However, this time, I noticed a bright yellow sign at the bottom of the ramp that was clearly not there over the weekend.
Unless my eyes are going, this was new to me.
I snapped a photo in hopes of getting more information and later found out that the sign was connected to the film crew for The Holdovers, a Paul Giamatti movie being filmed around Fairhaven and New Bedford.
It made sense, as 'HLDV," clearly displayed on the sign, was simply shorthand for "Holdovers."
"Perhaps they're filming in a new area we weren't aware of?" I thought to myself and decided to follow the yellow-brick road.
Here's how curiosity killed the Gazelle:
From the first sign at the intersection of Penniman and County streets, I followed the arrows straight to the end of Penniman and took a left on Purchase Street. The next sign was at a stop sign at the intersection of Logan and Purchase streets, pointing down Logan. As I continued to the end of Logan, there was one more yellow sign pointing left onto North Front Street/Herman Melville Boulevard.
The thrill was short-lived because that was the last sign I could find. I followed the road to the very end, even crossing Route 18 onto Walnut Street, and finished my un-climatic journey at County Street.
That's when I realized I was right near the Wamsutta Club, where some work on the movie was completed in February.
I took myself on a wild goose chase, all because the production crew never took down the yellow signs before leaving, keeping the rest of us hanging with confusion.
Mystery solved, but I'm not happy about it. Cue eyeroll.