100.5 The River Proclaimed Official Christmas Music Station
100.5 The River, has been playing Christmas music during the holiday season. And that mean all Christmas music, all the time. Most everyone likes it, although, some believe we begin playing the Christmas tunes too early, we began this near on November 5th.
Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. So many listeners were phoning, emailing and texting, asking when we would begin. They wanted the Christmas cheer as soon as possible. It's been a tough year, and a little extra cheer in our lives certainly doesn't hurt.
We were the first radio station in Grand Rapids and West Michigan, to take that position, all Christmas music during the holidays. We began in 2001 and have continued ever since.
This year has become an extra special year as Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss gave us a very special honor!
Mayor Bliss issued an official proclamation that proclaims 100.5 The River, WTRV, the be the OFFICIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC STATION FOR GRAND RAPIDS AND ALL OF WEST MICHIGAN. WOW!
Thank you so much Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. We certainly hope to be bringing holiday hope and joy to all for many years to come.
LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born